And yes, those two are meant to be yellow. And the little dark ones, well, they're meant to be dark.
So then I did everything I could to strip back as much foliage as possible, chop off the fledgling branches with flowers and/or very small fruit that would never amount to anything, so each plant could put as much energy as possible into turning what exists, red (or whatever colour it should be).
Look at all that lovely fruit.
Last weekend I managed another bowlful. I would check during the week, but it is now dusk when I get home from work. I could go out with a flashlight - or I remember thinking last year, of investing in a headlamp (thus keeping my hands free).
I also found these three rather odd looking specimens. Don't quite know what to do with them, especially if they're as seedy as the other one I picked. Maybe I could make some tzaziki.
And these courgettes - no idea what is going on here. This big one in the middle - well, had it got just a little bigger I would have picked it, but it seems to have disappeared!
We're back to the same number of tiny ones. Edible? I'm just not sure.
I picked another bowlful this weekend. Given the rate I go through tomatoes, this isn't exactly a bumper year.
Hey ho, maybe next time.