Friday 25 April 2008

My hopes for the weekend

I think I can safely say now, given the weather forecasts on the radio, television and internet over the last couple of days, that the weekend will be fair, at least tomorrow. A proper, sunny, spring day. Yahoo!

So what I mean to do is the following:

Cut the grass. Mmmmm, can you smell it now? I can't wait for that. I think I will be hearing quite a few lawnmowers tomorrow!

Weed the borders. The plants are doing wonderfully well, and the tulips are about to pop. And the weeds are copious!

The tulips worried me a bit to be honest, as they were coming above ground since January. That surprised me very much, as that seemed so early. But true to what was promised on the packet, they seem to be ready to bloom, with no snow damage, thankfully. I thought it should be April/May, and it seems that is correct. I love the fact that the heads turn the colour before the actual bloom. Tulip bulbs are new to me.

This was the idea, so I don't think we're to far off. There were about 20 bulbs down, and some of the plants got a little bit trampled when husband was repairing that fence panel. Hey, it happens. Can't be too precious about these plants, and they are very hardy souls after all. Surprisingly so!

I have actually seen other people's tulips blooming (who else ogles other people's front gardens on a regular basis?) but I do realise now, the sun's traverse of my garden.

There is no denying, I have a north-facing garden. Now that I have had a chance to track the sun over a year, I know that we lose the sun almost completely in October, and it comes back late February, at least at the back. The right border, with the herbs (and soon to be vegetables) does get at least an hour of sun down the side through the year which was good planning, even if it wasn't intentional! I wanted the herbs to be close to the house so I could pop out and clip them for cooking. Well thank goodness, that worked out well.

The left border has recently begun to get the morning sun, as it's high enough over the houses to do what it does all summer long - half the day for the left, half the day for the right. But in the corner on the left border, it has taken a long time, and only recently has really had some proper sun (when there is sun!). It's quite sodden there, and also that is where the compost bin sits (and hello, there's Blackie on top).

I'm seriously thinking of re-siting the bin to get more sun as it needs the warmth to generate all that lovely, lovely compost I so dearly want to use when it is finally generated. A re-think there is needed, and I shall keep you posted.

Third thing will be to finally, finally, turn over the vegetable patch and plant onions (which I have), potatoes (which I have yet to buy, but will do Saturday morning from my local garden centre - goodness what a busy day that is going to be!) and the blackberries.

I've just had an inspirational, hour-long "Gardener's World" on the BBC to get me motivated. During which, of course, I took notes!

I shall be back with you all on Sunday, when it's supposed to rain, again ... but maybe that's a good thing for all I plan to do on Saturday!

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